Etichetă: aluatel

Cine are NU la gluten, poate sa zica DA la painea cu maia

t seems that the noblemen in the court of Louis XIV of France back in 1668 had it right all along.  Abandoning the traditional methods of bread preparation in favor of baker’s yeast would have disastrous effects on people’s health.  Little did they know that their wisdom several centuries later would be termed “novel” by scientists in the biotechnology indust – See more at:
t seems that the noblemen in the court of Louis XIV of France back in 1668 had it right all along.  Abandoning the traditional methods of bread preparation in favor of baker’s yeast would have disastrous effects on people’s health.  Little did they know that their wisdom several centuries later would be termed “novel” by scientists in the biotechnology indust – See more at:

paine cu maia etcheabakery

Ce este painea cu maia si de ce te ai nevoie de ea? Pentru ca poate transforma un om cu probleme de sanatate intr-unul fara griji si te poate face fericit.

Iata mai jos 2 argumente…. (mai mult…)

Oricine poate face paine cu maia

white sourdoughs

Acum ceva vreme am facut prima paine reusita, crescuta exclusiv cu maia! Am mancat-o cu ai mei integral, imediat ce a fost suficient de rece incat sa nu ne prajim papilele. Ma simteam ca Ratatouille cand combina branza cu struguri..simteam artificii, “curcubeu pe cerul gurii”. Suna patimas si exagerat. Si totusi, NU este nimic exagerat. E unul dintre gusturile alea pe care ti le doresti, desi nu le-ai mai intalnit. Gusta exact asa cum trebuie sa guste o paine. Revelatie! (mai mult…)